Tips for Removing Stains from your Carpet
Oh, no!
Spaghetti sauce, blood, ink, coffee, grease, mustard, nail polish – at some point, your carpet
is going to get a nasty spill that could stain it permanently. Unfortunately, no
one has invented a stain-proof carpet. But there are a few things you can do to
help remove stains if you act fast and remain calm. Follow the directions below
and use the recommended agent(s) to remove the stain. Not every stain will be
removable, but hopefully, these tips will help you to remove 99% of them.
Consider printing this out and keeping it in a handy place to access in case of
an emergency spill or mishap.
Kenny’s Tile Carpet Stain Removal Tips
- Treat spills and stains as quickly as possible.
- Remove as much of the solid or liquid as possible to prevent rubbing it in an possibly expanding the stain.
- Always use clean, white cloths or napkins to blot (don’t rub) to prevent accidental transfer of color from cloth or dye from napkin or paper towel to the carpet.
- Depending on what the stain is from, follow the guide below to choose the best cleaning agent.
- Test a small inconspicuous spot to make sure the cleaning agent won’t bleach the carpet color.
- Don’t use too much water or cleaning agent. Use a small amount and blot often.
- If the cleaning agent is ineffective, try another on the list below.
- When blotting, work from the outer edges to the center to prevent leaving a ring on the outside edge.
- When the stain has been removed, rinse the area with water and blot dry. You can lay a towel over the area and place something heavy on top and leave overnight to help absorb any remaining moisture.
- When dry, brush up the carpet pile to help it blend in with the unaffected carpet.
Call Kenny's Tile for professional carpet help, call Kenny’s Tile at (816) 765-0400 and let a professional carpet expert take a look and give you a recommendation. Good luck!